## Everything About ACMP on Yamaha Keyboards

 ### Everything About ACMP on Yamaha Keyboards

The ACMP (Accompaniment) function on Yamaha keyboards is a powerful feature that allows you to add automatic backing to your playing. This function enables you to play along with a full band sound, including drums, bass, and other instruments, simply by playing chords with your left hand. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to locate and use the ACMP feature on a Yamaha keyboard.

#### What is ACMP?

ACMP stands for "Accompaniment". When enabled, it allows the keyboard to automatically generate backing music based on the chords you play in the left-hand section of the keyboard. This can include rhythms, bass lines, and harmonies, creating a full-band effect.

#### Locating the ACMP Function

1. **Power On the Keyboard:**

   - Turn on your Yamaha keyboard using the power button.

2. **Locate the ACMP Button:**

   - The ACMP button is usually located on the front panel of the keyboard. It might be labeled "ACMP" or "ACMP On/Off".

3. **Turn On the ACMP Function:**

   - Press the ACMP button to activate the accompaniment mode. When the ACMP function is on, the keyboard will usually display an indicator on the screen.

#### Using the ACMP Function

1. **Select a Style:**

   - Styles are pre-set accompaniment patterns that the ACMP function uses. To select a style:

     - Press the "Style" button on the keyboard.

     - Use the numeric keypad or the +/- buttons to choose a style. Styles range from pop and rock to jazz and classical.

2. **Turn On Sync Start:**

   - Sync Start allows the accompaniment to start as soon as you play a chord. Press the "Sync Start" button to enable this feature.

3. **Play a Chord:**

   - In the left-hand section of the keyboard (usually the lower half), play a chord. The ACMP function will recognize the chord and start the accompaniment pattern.

4. **Control the Accompaniment:**

   - You can control the complexity and variation of the accompaniment using various buttons:

     - **Main A/B:** Switch between two variations of the main accompaniment.

     - **Intro/Ending:** Add an introduction or ending to your accompaniment.

     - **Fill:** Insert a fill-in pattern to transition between sections smoothly.

     - **Auto Fill:** Automatically add fill-ins when you switch between variations.

5. **Adjust the Volume:**

   - Use the "Accompaniment Volume" knob or buttons to adjust the volume of the backing music relative to your main playing.

6. **Play Along:**

   - With your right hand, play the melody or lead part while the ACMP function provides the backing music.

#### Additional Features

- **Chord Detection Modes:**

  - Yamaha keyboards offer different chord detection modes such as Single Finger, Fingered, and Full Keyboard. These modes determine how the keyboard detects and interprets the chords you play.

    - **Single Finger:** Play simple chords with one or two fingers.

    - **Fingered:** Play standard chords with full fingerings.

    - **Full Keyboard:** The entire keyboard is used for chord detection.

- **Registrations:**

  - Save your favorite styles, sounds, and settings in registrations for quick recall during performance. Use the "Registration Memory" buttons to save and load these presets.

- **Custom Styles:**

  - Create and save your custom accompaniment styles using the Style Creator feature, available on more advanced Yamaha keyboards.

#### Practice Tips

1. **Experiment with Different Styles:**

   - Try out various styles to understand how they complement different genres of music.

2. **Learn Common Chord Progressions:**

   - Practice common chord progressions to make the most out of the ACMP function.

3. **Balance the Volume:**

   - Ensure the accompaniment volume is balanced with your playing so that the melody stands out.

4. **Use Fill-Ins and Variations:**

   - Add fills and variations to keep the accompaniment dynamic and interesting.

5. **Explore Advanced Features:**

   - If your keyboard supports it, explore advanced features like Multi Pads and Harmony to enhance your performance.

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively use the ACMP function on your Yamaha keyboard to create rich, full-band accompaniments, enhancing your playing experience and performance. Have fun experimenting with different styles and settings to find what works best for your music.

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