Passing Chords on the piano

 ### Tutorial: Passing Chords on the Piano

**1. Understanding Passing Chords:**

- Passing chords bridge the gap between two primary chords, creating smooth transitions in a chord progression.

- They add richness and interest to your playing by introducing intermediate harmonies.

**2. Using Solfa Notes and Numbers:**

- Solfa Notes: do (1), re (2), mi (3), fa (4), sol (5), la (6), ti (7)

- Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

**3. Examples for Each Progression of the Major Scale:**

**a. Between 1st and 2nd Degrees:**

- Original Progression: do (1) - re (2)

- Passing Chord: Dm7 (D-F-A-C)

- Chord Formula: 1 - 2 - Dm7 - 2

**b. Between 2nd and 3rd Degrees:**

- Original Progression: re (2) - mi (3)

- Passing Chord: Em7 (E-G-B-D)

- Chord Formula: 2 - 3 - Em7 - 3

**c. Between 3rd and 4th Degrees:**

- Original Progression: mi (3) - fa (4)

- Passing Chord: Fmaj7 (F-A-C-E)

- Chord Formula: 3 - 4 - Fmaj7 - 4

**d. Between 4th and 5th Degrees:**

- Original Progression: fa (4) - sol (5)

- Passing Chord: G7 (G-B-D-F)

- Chord Formula: 4 - 5 - G7 - 5

**e. Between 5th and 6th Degrees:**

- Original Progression: sol (5) - la (6)

- Passing Chord: Am7 (A-C-E-G)

- Chord Formula: 5 - 6 - Am7 - 6

**f. Between 6th and 7th Degrees:**

- Original Progression: la (6) - ti (7)

- Passing Chord: Bm7b5 (B-D-F-A)

- Chord Formula: 6 - 7 - Bm7b5 - 7

**g. Between 7th and 1st Degrees (Octave):**

- Original Progression: ti (7) - do (1)

- Passing Chord: Cmaj7 (C-E-G-B)

- Chord Formula: 7 - 1 - Cmaj7 - 1

**4. Playing Passing Chords:**

- Insert the passing chord between the two primary chords in the progression.

- Experiment with different voicings and inversions to find the most pleasing sound.

**5. Practice Tips:**

- Practice each progression slowly and gradually increase speed.

- Experiment with creating your own passing chord variations.

**6. Conclusion:**

Passing chords are an essential tool for pianists to add depth and interest to chord progressions. By understanding their role and experimenting with different passing chords, you can enhance your piano playing and musical expression.

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