### Piano Tutorial: Yi Ze Scale in Key of C

 ### Piano Tutorial: Yi Ze Scale in Key of C

The Yi Ze scale is a pentatonic scale used in Chinese music. It consists of five notes and has a unique sound. In the key of C, the Yi Ze scale includes the following notes:

#### C Yi Ze Scale Notes:

- C

- D

- E

- G

- A

### Chord Composition of the Yi Ze Scale

1. **Major Chords**:

   - **C major**: C - E - G

   - **D major**: D - F# - A

   - **G major**: G - B - D

   - **A minor**: A - C - E

### Step-by-Step Guide to Playing the C Yi Ze Scale

1. **Learn the Scale Pattern**:

   - The intervals for the Yi Ze scale are: whole, whole, minor third, whole.

2. **Fingering for the C Yi Ze Scale**:

   - **Right Hand**: Start with the thumb (1) on C, and use the following fingering: 1 (C), 2 (D), 3 (E), 4 (G), 5 (A).

   - **Left Hand**: Start with the pinky (5) on C, and use the following fingering: 5 (C), 4 (D), 3 (E), 2 (G), 1 (A).

3. **Practice the Scale Ascending and Descending**:

   - Ascending: C - D - E - G - A - C

   - Descending: C - A - G - E - D - C

4. **Play with Both Hands**:

   - Practice slowly and ensure each note is even and clear.

   - Increase speed as you become more comfortable with the scale.

### Application of the Yi Ze Scale

1. **Chord Progressions**:

   - Use the Yi Ze scale to create chord progressions:


     C - D - G - A


   - Play these chords and improvise melodies using the Yi Ze scale.

2. **Melody Creation**:

   - Simple Melody Example:


     C - D - E - G - A - C


   - Experiment with different combinations of these notes to create your own melodies.

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